» At the starting of AIKI Web Course
【AIKI Web Course Part 2】
Lesson 3 - Explanation of Undetectable Force Transfer
This method works to collapse the opponent by adding a force that the opponent cannot detect. The main point is to move without applying force to the contact points.
AIKI Ude Otoshi
A and B stands perpendicular to each other
a・B raises one arm parallel to the floor and keep it straight.
b・A puts the wrist slightly closer to the wrist than the elbow of B’s lower arm.
c・A tries to lower B’s arm by applying force to his arm.
d・B puts strength into his arm so that his arm will not be pushed down.
e・Unless there is a significant difference in strength, A cannot lower B’s arm easily.
f・This time, A pushes B’s arm down so that no force is applied to his wrist, i.e. contacting place.
g・Then A can push down B’s arm with a small force.
ImportantPoint… How to Push down Arm WithoutPutting Force on the Contacting Place, i.e. Wrist
A should push down his arm without exerting any force on the contacting wrist area. In this case, the muscles of A’s arm should be operated in an unusual way. He should move down his arm exactly in the same way as he downs arm alone freely.
At the beginning, it is necessary to move your arm with a strong image to operate yourmuscles in such a way. Some of the methods are described below.
1 Use another hand/arm
Using another free hand/arm, push down your lower arm at the middle point.
2 Push down imaginary arms
Imagine two or three arms overlapping in parallel under B’s arm. Then down the arm as if pushing down the bottom arm.
3 Synchronize the downing motion
Place your non-dominant arm on B’s arm. Slowly move your free dominant arm up and down, at some point synchronizing your non-dominant arm to the downward motion of your dominant arm.
Summary of this Lesson 3
It is the key point of this method that you move your arm in a way that your opponent cannot expect. It makes the opponent embarrassed.
Putting force in a way that your opponent doesn’t expect means you use muscles in a not normal way. At the beginning it is necessary to create a strong image to operate your muscle in an unnormal way.
If you get used to it, you will be able to naturally make such unnatural (unexpected) motion without having to create a strong image.
Learn AIKI by a Combination of
Videos and Articles!!
» At the starting of AIKI Web Course
with Videos and Free Articles
AIKI Web Course Part 2 24 Lessons
【AIKI JUJUTSU GYAKUTE-DO Series No.1】About GYAKUTE-DO and the digest of its basic techniques
Lesson 24 With Comb. of Different Methods #2
Lesson 23 With Comb. of Different Methods #1
Lesson 22 Advanced Tech. using F. E. method #2
Lesson 21 Advanced Tech. using F. E. method #1
Lesson 20 Advanced tech. using T. F. T. #2
Lesson 19 Advanced tech. using T. F. T. #1
Lesson 18 Advanced tech. using AIKI Contact #2
Lesson 17 Advanced tech. using AIKI Contact #1
Lesson 16 Advanced tech. by Undetectable F.T. #2
Lesson 15 - Advanced tech. by Undetectable F. T. #1
Lesson 14 - Advanced tech. by the Waving method #2
Lesson 13 - Advanced tech. by the Waving method #1
Lesson 12 - Gyaku-te by not Using Force nor AIKI
Lesson 11 - Gyaku-te Realized by the AIKI Method
Lesson 10 - Application of Force Equilibrium method
Lesson 9 - Force Equilibrium
Lesson 8 - Application of Targeted Force Transfer
Lesson 7 - Targeted Force Transfer
Lesson 6 - Application of AIKI Connection
Lesson 5 - AIKI Connection
Lesson 4 - Application of Nondetectable Force Transfer
Lesson 3 - Explanation of Undetectable Force Transfer
Lesson 2 - Application of Waving Method
Lesson 1 - The Explanation of Waving Method
Introduction with video
and Knowledge of AIKI
AIKI Web Course Part 1 6 Lessons
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