HOME > Feature Articles > 【AIKI Web Course Part 2】Lesson 17 Advanced tech. using AIKI Contact #1

» At the starting of AIKI Web Course

Cooperating with BAB Japan Co., Ltd., hereby I start AIKI Web Course in order to realize my long-standing desire to let as many as martial arts fans all over the world have the correct knowledge of AIKI and learn how to practice AIKI.

This course consists of
Part 1 as introductory articles, I explain a wide range of knowledge about what AIKI is, which contains 6 lessons.
Part 2 as main articles, for beginners/intermediate level, I explain how to practice AIKI to master. It contains 24 lessons.

The each lessons will be uploaded on BudoJapan website one by one every week.
I hope as many people as possible will be interested in AIKI and become able to practice it by following this course.

Aiki Contact is a method of collapsing the opponent with very delicate contact that may or may not be touched. This time, let’s try a somewhat difficult techniques using that method.

Kote Gaeshi AIKI Fudo

A and B stands by face to face.


a・B steps in with his left leg and grasps A’s right wrist with his left hand.
b・A raises his right lower arm from the inside and turns the hand by using Undetectable Force Transfer.
c・A further grasps the back of B’s hand facing downward with his left hand and remove it from his grasped right wrist.
d・A strokes the right side of B’s face from bottom to top with his right hand very softly and gently to create AIKI Contact and further descends while drawing a spiral clockwise.
e・At this time, if A stops his hand movement halfway without lowering his right hand to the end, B will be in Fudo, i.e. immobile state.

This is a technique to immobilize the opponent by maintaining a half-collapsed posture by continuing to use AIKI Contact without collapsing the opponent until the end.

For that purpose, first of all, the movement to create AIKI Contact becomes important.

1 How to turn your grasped lower arm by using Undetectable F. T.

You should use Undetectable Force Transfer to turn your hand which is grasped firmly by the opponent with the wrist.

Also it is important that the opponent does not hold the wrist firmly all the time, but the moment he feels the force at the wrist he grasps, he should squeeze it tightly.

This is because grasping tightly before the person moves restricts his own movement.

However, please keep in mind that holding the opponent’s wrist softly until the end and cooperating with the opponent’s movement should not be practiced.

2 Gyakute Kime is also important

When grasping back the opponent’s left hand, it is also important to make Gyakute, reversal hand grasping, Kime firmly. If this Kime, controlling, is insufficient, the opponent will escape.

To perform this Kime, first, bend your opponent’s left hand firmly with your right hand. Then grip the opponent’s left hand deeply enough with your left hand to bend his left hand even further.

3 Collapse the opponent in half way.

Using your freed right hand, very gently stroke the side of the opponent’s face. Then he has to bend his upper body according to your hand movement.

When you stop your hand at the end, the opponent has to keep his half collapsed posture. stands on one leg with bended upper body. He has no option but just to keep this posture.

Summary of Lesson 17

Aiki is a technique that prevents the opponent from freely manipulating his own muscles. You can do this without using force and that is why AIKI is interesting.

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» At the starting of AIKI Web Course

Cooperating with BAB Japan Co., Ltd., hereby I start AIKI Web Course in order to realize my long-standing desire to let as many as martial arts fans all over the world have the correct knowledge of AIKI and learn how to practice AIKI.

This course consists of
Part 1 as introductory articles, I explain a wide range of knowledge about what AIKI is, which contains 6 lessons.
Part 2 as main articles, for beginners/intermediate level, I explain how to practice AIKI to master. It contains 24 lessons.

The each lessons will be uploaded on BudoJapan website one by one every week.
I hope as many people as possible will be interested in AIKI and become able to practice it by following this course.

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