HOME >  Feature Articles >  【Series of Jujutsu’s KUDEN (口伝)】No7 Releasing the shoulder as a mean to escape from Gyakute Tori (逆手取り)

What is Kuden?

Since many Bujutsu (fighting systems) were established in Japan, teachers have used Kuden to transfer the special deep knowledge to their selected students, such as their successors.  The Japanese word Kuden is translated as “verbally transferred knowledge”.  For every Ryuha (style) they had special knowledge for almost all techniques and they did not leave this knowledge in writing to keep this knowledge confidential.  The teachers taught this knowledge verbally, only to the selected students whom they thought they could trust.  In this way they tried to keep the purity of their Ryuha and transfer it to future generation.

No.7   Releasing the shoulder as a mean to escape from Gyakute Tori (逆手取り)

In Jujutsu, Gyakute Tori is one of the most popular and basic techniques.  Gyakute Tori has two directions—from inside to outside (in-to-out), which is used for Kote Kaeshi (小手返し), and is frequently used in Aikido—and another one, from outside to inside (out-to-in).  If Tori applies out-to-in Gyakute Tori, he has to push Uke’s elbow. For instance, keeping the left elbow down by Tori’s right hand until Uke falls down completely to the floor.  In this way Tori can control Uke.  There is another case that Tori keeps Gyakute at mid height and tries to control Uke without pushing him down on floor.  In this case Uke can escape from Gyakute Tori by releasing his left shoulder.
Here I would like to explain the way to escape from Gyakute Tori in the case of C.  I intend to show how to escape from an out-to-in Gyakute Tori so that people can realize how this out-to-in Gyakute Tori should be performed correctly to prevent escaping.

Gyakute Tori   —-
In-to-out  Throw Uke by Kote Kaeshi                                                          case A
Out-to-in   Take Uke down the the floor and pin him to control       case B
Control Uke without taking down and control                                        case C

Wrong example, as Uke escapes from out-to-in Gyakute Tori   case C

(1)Uke holds Tori’s left wrist by his right hand
(2)Tori moves up his grasped left arm and by applying the technique already explained before in Kuden series No-4, Sotomaki Nuki.
(3)Tori holds back Uke’s right hand using his right hand in Gyakute  -> Gyakute Tori

(4)Tori brings down his right hand to control Uke using Gyakute but Uke releases his right shoulder during this movement to escape from Tori’s control.

(5)Uke can now counter-attack Tori with a right foot kick, Yoko Keri (横蹴り)

So, by releasing his right shoulder, Uke can create the situation where he can counter-attack Tori.

How to prevent Uke’s shoulder release

It is the most important timing when Tori brings down his captured left hand.  While he brings down his left hand, he should add a special motion to bend Uke’s left arm (i.e., to push his elbow outside). He can realize this motion by using his freed right hand (easier option), Fig 6-9, or by controlling his captured left hand (difficult one), Fig 10-14 .

By two hands:Fig 6-9

By one hand:Fig 10-14

(13) from a different angle
(14) from a different angle


English edition :
Gyakute-do Indianapolis (U.S.A.) branch Andrew Bryant sensei, representative of Shinwakan Dojo  http://www.indianapolismartialartscenter.org/

Gyakutedo Poland Warsaw : Przemisław Antczak  3rd Dan
Michał Swiderek 1st Dan                   

Place :
Gyakute-do Warsaw branch NAKA Dojo

Representative, 2nd Soushi of

website: www.gyakutedo.org/wp
mail: apply@gyakutedo.org

th_DSC_0246 Kurabe Makoto Shiseido

Born in 1950. When he was in his 30s, he began learning Gyakute-do Jujutsu, which was derived from Hakkoryu Jujutsu in the 1970s. Just before reaching the age of 40, he moved from Japan to The Netherlands and continued to master and develop Gyakute-do. In October of 2013, after adding the system of Aiki-Jutsu that he developed himself, he transformed Gyakute-do into Aiki-Jujutsu Gyakute-do, and became 2nd Soushi, grand master, of Gyakute-do. After retirement, he left The Netherlands and began promoting Aiki-Jujutsu Gyakute-do both in Japan and in Poland  as his main pursuit. He is also teaching his Gyakute-do to Budo fan in the world via corresponding course.

At the starting of AIKI Web Course

Cooperating with BAB Japan Co., Ltd., hereby I start AIKI Web Course in order to realize my long-standing desire to let as many as martial arts fans all over the world have the correct knowledge of AIKI and learn how to practice AIKI.

This course consists of
Part 1 as introductory articles, I explain a wide range of knowledge about what AIKI is, which contains 6 lessons.
Part 2 as main articles, for beginners/intermediate level, I explain how to practice AIKI to master. It contains 24 lessons.

The each lessons will be uploaded on BudoJapan website one by one every week.
I hope as many people as possible will be interested in AIKI and become able to practice it by following this course.

AIKI Web Course 25 Lessons

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