HOME > Feature Articles > 【AIKI Web Course Part 2】Lesson 18 Advanced tech. using AIKI Contact #2

» At the starting of AIKI Web Course

Cooperating with BAB Japan Co., Ltd., hereby I start AIKI Web Course in order to realize my long-standing desire to let as many as martial arts fans all over the world have the correct knowledge of AIKI and learn how to practice AIKI.

This course consists of
Part 1 as introductory articles, I explain a wide range of knowledge about what AIKI is, which contains 6 lessons.
Part 2 as main articles, for beginners/intermediate level, I explain how to practice AIKI to master. It contains 24 lessons.

The each lessons will be uploaded on BudoJapan website one by one every week.
I hope as many people as possible will be interested in AIKI and become able to practice it by following this course.

This time, I will explain the technique of throwing the opponent away using the AIKI Contact method.

However, if you are a beginner who is not good at Ukemi, there is a risk of your head crashing into the floor, so this time I will stop at the middle of the technique.

AIKI Tenshin Nage

A and B stand by face to face.


a・B steps in with his right foot and attacks A by an upper height poking.
b・While A advances his right foot to avoid B’s upper height poking, A places his left hand on B’s lower right arm and his right hand on B’s left front shoulder, creating AIKI Contact with both hands.
c・Further, while keeping AIKI Contact, A turns counter clockwise.
d・B should be turned around according to A’s turn.

This is just a turning your body so as not to break the AIKI Contact. Never try to throw the opponent by force.

1 Never put force in your arm at all

First, don’t pull your opponent’s arm with your left hand. Also, do not push your opponent’s front shoulder with your right hand.

You just keep the delicate contact to the opponent with your hands.
Instead of trying to throw the opponent, you just turn your body.

2 Now show the perfect throw.

Now for the opponent who can take a good Ukemi, we show the perfect throw.

Summary of Lesson 18

What do you think?

As you can see, if you use AIKI Contact, you can throw the opponent dynamically without using force.


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» At the starting of AIKI Web Course

Cooperating with BAB Japan Co., Ltd., hereby I start AIKI Web Course in order to realize my long-standing desire to let as many as martial arts fans all over the world have the correct knowledge of AIKI and learn how to practice AIKI.

This course consists of
Part 1 as introductory articles, I explain a wide range of knowledge about what AIKI is, which contains 6 lessons.
Part 2 as main articles, for beginners/intermediate level, I explain how to practice AIKI to master. It contains 24 lessons.

The each lessons will be uploaded on BudoJapan website one by one every week.
I hope as many people as possible will be interested in AIKI and become able to practice it by following this course.

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AIKI Web Course Part 2 24 Lessons

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AIKI Web Course Part 1 6 Lessons

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