» At the starting of AIKI Web Course
【AIKI Web Course Part 2】
Introduction with video
In this introductory chapter, I will just show AIKI techniques with plainest explanations.
By watching these videos, I hope you will have an image of what AIKI looks like.
Method 1 – Waving
First, I show you an AIKI technique based on the method “Waving”.
This method uses human characteristics that if an outer force is applied to a person in a shape of wave motion, he cannot react nor resist it and cannot do anything but to be collapsed.
This is the simplest method to realize AIKI and accordingly is the easiest one to be mastered.
Method 2 -Undetectable Force Transfer
Next, I show you an AIKI technique based on the method “Undetectable Force Transfer”.
This method works as followings.
a) Your wrists are grasped by an opponent.
b) You move your grasped arms with a consciousness that your wrists were not grasped and your arms were free.
c) Then the opponent encounters the situation that you move your grasped arms in a way he cannot detect at all. Accordingly, he cannot react and resist it. And he cannot do anything but to be collapsed.
Method 3 – AIKI Connection
The third method is “AIKI Connection”.
AIKI can be realized by this method as followings.
a) You touch the opponent’s body very delicately.
b) He begins to be delusional that your hand was a part of his body.
c) If you move your hand/arm very delicately, he will naturally follow that movement.
d) You make use of his movement to collapse him.
Method 4 – Targeted Force Transfer
The fourth method is “Targeted Force Transfer”.
a) This method is similar to the method “Undetectable Force Transfer”
b) For Undetectable Force Transfer, you just move your grasped arm without being conscious of the fact your wrist is grasped.
c) Meanwhile for this Targeted Force Transfer, you set the target where you intend to apply your force. The target should be enough far from the grasped place,
d) The target could be, for instance, the opponent’s shoulder. You apply your force directly there and collapse him.
Method 5 – Force Equilibrium
The last method in this introductory chapter is “Force Equilibrium”
This method works as followings.
a) A person receives outer force at a part of his body, for example his lower arm,
b) He makes reaction against that force applied to his lower arm and a force equilibrium state is created between those two forces.
c) In such state, if an additional force is applied to him,
d) he cannot resist it and can be so easily collapsed.
Learn AIKI by a Combination of
Videos and Articles!!
» At the starting of AIKI Web Course
with Videos and Free Articles
AIKI Web Course Part 2 24 Lessons
【AIKI JUJUTSU GYAKUTE-DO Series No.1】About GYAKUTE-DO and the digest of its basic techniques
Lesson 24 With Comb. of Different Methods #2
Lesson 23 With Comb. of Different Methods #1
Lesson 22 Advanced Tech. using F. E. method #2
Lesson 21 Advanced Tech. using F. E. method #1
Lesson 20 Advanced tech. using T. F. T. #2
Lesson 19 Advanced tech. using T. F. T. #1
Lesson 18 Advanced tech. using AIKI Contact #2
Lesson 17 Advanced tech. using AIKI Contact #1
Lesson 16 Advanced tech. by Undetectable F.T. #2
Lesson 15 - Advanced tech. by Undetectable F. T. #1
Lesson 14 - Advanced tech. by the Waving method #2
Lesson 13 - Advanced tech. by the Waving method #1
Lesson 12 - Gyaku-te by not Using Force nor AIKI
Lesson 11 - Gyaku-te Realized by the AIKI Method
Lesson 10 - Application of Force Equilibrium method
Lesson 9 - Force Equilibrium
Lesson 8 - Application of Targeted Force Transfer
Lesson 7 - Targeted Force Transfer
Lesson 6 - Application of AIKI Connection
Lesson 5 - AIKI Connection
Lesson 4 - Application of Nondetectable Force Transfer
Lesson 3 - Explanation of Undetectable Force Transfer
Lesson 2 - Application of Waving Method
Lesson 1 - The Explanation of Waving Method
Introduction with video
and Knowledge of AIKI