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【AIKI Web Course Part 1】
Knowledge of AIKI Series 5「Ryu-ha derived from Daito-ryu」
As already explained in Lecture 4, Aikido is a Budo that was developed by Morihei UESHIBA, who learned Daito-ryu AIKI Jujutsu from Sokaku TAKEDA. And based on it, UESHIBA incorporated unique circular and turning movements. Here, I will explain the Ryu-ha that branched off from Morihei UESHIBA’s Aikido.

Yoshinkan Aikido was founded by Gozo SHIODA(1915-1994). It is a style that unleashes AIKI Jujutsu techniques while making full use of intense AIKI. SHIODA’s senior disciple, Tsuneo ANDO, is currently the head instructor as his successor.

Manseikan Aikido was founded by Kanshu SUNADOMARI(1923-2010) in Kumamoto, Kyushu. Aiming to embody the spirit of Morihei UEHIBA, “AIKI is love,” he faithfully inherits UESHIBA’s AIKI. In addition, as “breathing power of Manseikan Aikido”, he has realized the “world of the heart” in a unique way that UESHIBA originally preached.

Koichi TOHEI
Shinshin Toitsu Aikido Association was founded by Koichi TOHEI(1920-2011) which emphasizes the state of mind (spirit). Circular and rotating movements are the same as in Aikikai. The principle of Ki, that the body is operated by mind, has produced results in a wide range of fields, and is particularly famous in the sports world for teaching well known professional baseball players Tatsuro HIROOKA and Sadaharu OH.

Japan Aikido Association was founded by Kenji TOMIKI (1900-1979). It is characterized by the style to practice the combination of Randori and Kata. And it is called “TOMKI Aikido”. He first studied Judo under Jigoro KANO, the founder of Judo, and was greatly influenced by his educational philosophy. And he later studied under Morihei UESHIBA and scientifically studied and systematized the theory of UESHIBA’s techniques.

Yoseikan Budo was founded by Minoru MOCHIZUKI(1907-2003). MOCHIZUKI first learned Judo from Kyuzo MIFUNE and later from Jigoro KANO. Later, he was instructed by Jigoro KANO, who was impressed by Morihei UESHIBA’s Aikido, to study under UESHIBA. He founded Yoseikan Budo, a comprehensive Bujutsu that combines Aikido, Judo, Karate, Iai, and Jo Jutsu. In 1951, he went to France to teach for the first time, and then he established the IMAC International Martial Arts Committee in France as the starting point to promote and spread of his Budo in Europe. In 1999, he finally had moved to France and passed away there in 2003.

Morihiro SAITO
Iwama Shinshin AIKI Shurenkai was founded by Morihiro SAITO(1928-2002), a disciple of Morihei UESHIBA in his later years. In the later years of Morihei UESHIBA’s Iwama period, the emphasis was on “hard training” which was faithful to UESHIBA’s techniques and showed strength, as well as weapon techniques such as AIKI-No-Ken and AIKI-No-Jo, and was called the “Iwama style.” It also actively accepts disciples from foreign countries.

2.Iai Shinken-ryu Jujutsu
Established independently from Kodokai in 2004 by Syudai MAKITA, who was a Shihan of Kodokai. He started Daito-ryu AIKI Jujutsu and Iai Shinken-ryu Jujutsu. It is not the “soft” AIKI of Kodokai, but is characterized by powerful and splendid AIKI reminiscent of Sokaku TAKEDA.

Kakuyoshi YAMAMOTO
3.Mugen Shinto-ryu Iai Jutsu
It was founded in 1963 by Kakuyoshi YAMAMOTO(1914-1982), an associate instructor of Daito-ryu AIKI Jujutsu. After TAKEDA’s passing away, based on Onoha Itto-ryu Ken Jutsu which he learned from Sokaku TAKEDA and integrating the three styles Shinto Seibu-ryu, one of the five Aizu styles, he founded Iai Jutsu which consists of Ken Jutsu and Jujutsu.
He named his Iai Jutsu as Mugen Shinto-ryu Iai Jutsu, and since then has called himself Ittosai. It is an Iai Jutsu that combines Ken Jutsu and Jujutsu, and incorporates Daito-ryu’s Tai Sabaki (foot handling named as Syumoku) instead of Kendo’s foot handling. Therefore, it is said that only those who have trained in Daito-ryu can master its essence.

Hapkido tournament in Korea
Choi Yong Sul(1904-1986), a Korean, opened a Korean AIKI Jujutsu Dojo in South Korea after the world war second. It is said that before the war, Choi Yong Sul, who studied Daito-ryu as an Uchi Deshi of Sokaku TAKEDA in Japan from the age of 11, returned to Korea after the war and founded Hapkido based on the Daito-ryu techniques that he had learned.
Later, Hapkido changed into a uniquely Korean style that combined striking techniques such as kicks with throwing techniques and joint locking techniques.
AIKI system that is considered to be a separate system from Sokaku TAKEDA’s Daito-ryu

Minoru HIRAI
Korindo Aikido
It was founded by Minoru HIRAI(1903-1998), who studied Ken Jutsu and old-style Jujutsu. And it was categorized as a new comprehensive Bujutsu ”Aikido” by the Dai Nippon Butokukai in 1942. It is a comprehensive Bujutsu consisting of Tai Jutsu, Ken Jutsu, and Jo Jutsu. It is a style of a different system from the Aikido founded by Morihei UESHIBA.
It is built as a “Basic of all Bujutsu” that can be developed into all kinds of techniques, such as bare hands and weapons techniques. It sets body operation as the basic movement and“Koshi No Mawari”which is created from it as the essential techniques. HIRAI’s disciple, Shinjuro NARITA, is one of the masters of the modern age who makes full use of the ultimate in AIKI through Shinpo, which expresses the technique through the way one holds his consciousness.
【Web AIKI Course Part 1:Knowledge of AIKI】
Series 1「What is AIKI ?」
Series 2「Daito-ryu founded by Sokaku TAKEDA」
Series 3「Genealogy of Daito-ryu 1」
Series 4「Genealogy of Daito-ryu 2」
Series 5「Ryu-ha derived from Daito-ryu」
Series 6「How AIKI Works」
representative of AIKI JUJUTSU GYAKUTE-DO
Facebook: AIKI Jujutsu Gyakute-do
Wrote & supervised by KURABE Makoto SHISEIDO, 2nd Soushi(Grand master) of AIKI Jujutsu Gyakute-do
He was born in 1950 in Kashiwa city Chiba prefecture. Graduated PHD course of Science University of Tokyo. After learning Judo and Shito-ryu Karate-do, started learning Gyakute-do Jujutsu which was created under influence of Hakko-ryu Jujutsu and the other Ko Bujutsu. Since TANAKA Tadashi CHUSHUDO, founder of Gyakute-do, 1st Soushi, passed away and the Ryuha died out without a successor, he had started instructing Gyakute-do seriously to the local Budo fans in the Netherlands so that he can let the name Gyakute-do would not disappear. Besides, during pursuing Gyakute-do, he had discovered the theory of AIKI and had established the methods to realize AIKI and the practicing way in his original way successfully.
Time to time he often writes for the Japanese martial arts journal “Hiden”. So far he has published books “Theory of Vibration Modal Analysis”, “Story of Dutch”, “Fast learning AIKI”, etc., DVDs “How to master AIKI” etc.
Learn AIKI by a Combination of
Videos and Articles!!
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with Videos and Free Articles
AIKI Web Course Part 2 24 Lessons
【AIKI JUJUTSU GYAKUTE-DO Series No.1】About GYAKUTE-DO and the digest of its basic techniques
Lesson 24 With Comb. of Different Methods #2
Lesson 23 With Comb. of Different Methods #1
Lesson 22 Advanced Tech. using F. E. method #2
Lesson 21 Advanced Tech. using F. E. method #1
Lesson 20 Advanced tech. using T. F. T. #2
Lesson 19 Advanced tech. using T. F. T. #1
Lesson 18 Advanced tech. using AIKI Contact #2
Lesson 17 Advanced tech. using AIKI Contact #1
Lesson 16 Advanced tech. by Undetectable F.T. #2
Lesson 15 - Advanced tech. by Undetectable F. T. #1
Lesson 14 - Advanced tech. by the Waving method #2
Lesson 13 - Advanced tech. by the Waving method #1
Lesson 12 - Gyaku-te by not Using Force nor AIKI
Lesson 11 - Gyaku-te Realized by the AIKI Method
Lesson 10 - Application of Force Equilibrium method
Lesson 9 - Force Equilibrium
Lesson 8 - Application of Targeted Force Transfer
Lesson 7 - Targeted Force Transfer
Lesson 6 - Application of AIKI Connection
Lesson 5 - AIKI Connection
Lesson 4 - Application of Nondetectable Force Transfer
Lesson 3 - Explanation of Undetectable Force Transfer
Lesson 2 - Application of Waving Method
Lesson 1 - The Explanation of Waving Method
Introduction with video
and Knowledge of AIKI