HOME > Feature Videos > [Budo no Kuni Vol.4] Phil Relnick (Shinto Muso-ryu & Katori Shinto ryu)

“Budo no Kuni” (武道の国) or “Land of Martial Arts” is a video series from BAB Japan, “Hiden” Magazine and BudoJapan.com website. In it, “Hiden” writer Grigoris A. Miliaresis interviews non-Japanese who have lived/are still living in Japan and have gained unique insights in its martial culture.

This fourth episode of the series, features one of the living legends of koryu in the West,
Phil Relnick sensei from Seattle who has been practicing Shinto Muso-ryu and Tenshinsho-den Katori Shinto-ryu since the 1960s having lived in Japan for over 40 years.

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