HOME > Feature Videos > KARATE KANKU-DAI,Nakamura Ayano(JKA)

The 62nd JKA All Japan Karate Championship Tournament
KANKU-DAI(Individual Kata Female Semi Finals,Nakamura Ayano)
Place:Musasino Forest Sports Plaza Main arena at Tokyo JAPAN

Tradition meets intensity in one-point matches that will take your breath away!
Karate masters investigate how kick and punch, the most fundermental techniques of Karate, could be performed so properly as a ultimate blow to the opponent which decides winning or losing of the competition.
In Japanese it is called as “Kime”. The concept of this Kime is based on the characteristic idea of Karate, to defeat the opponent completely by one blow. It is the ultimate goal of Karate to realize this Kime.
During the tournament which takes over that original starting concept and where people compete by Kumite and Kata, you will find several young Karate masters who might open the new page of Karate’s history. Your eyes will be the witnesses of the history.

Vimeo[FULL Version VOD] This Tournament showcasing what is best in KARATE! The 62nd JKA All Japan Karate Championship Tournament

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