HOME > Budo Dojo Guide > Ryukyu kobudo Shimbu-kan

This is a dojo of Ryukyu kobudo and Okinawa Shorin-ryu karate established by Eisuke Akamine Sensei in 1971.
After Eisuke Akamine passed away in 1999, his son, Hiroshi Akamine, succeeded him as the director.
The dojo pursues budo through training in the techniques and kata of sai, nunchaku, tonfa, tekko, kama, tinbei, and eku, as well as bo, a representative form of Ryukyuan kobudo.

Training date and time / Location

Monday, Thursday, Friday 20:00 - 22:00


Dojo nameRyukyu kobudo Shimbu-kan
RepresentativeHiroshi Akamine
Official sitehttps://shimbukan.wordpress.com/

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