HOME > Budo Dojo Guide > Kyuto-renshin-kan jodo

Heki-ryu hankyu-jutsu is a restored bujutsu of koryu hankyu-jutsu.
Heki-ryu hankyu-jutsu is a restored bujutsu of koryu hankyu-jutsu.
In this dojo, the students also practice Hukiya-jutsu (blowgun), which has similar methods of body operation.
The basic posture of Koshinryu Iai Kenpo is to band a large and small sword and carry a fan. From that point, Daito iai and Daito iai kumidachi will be practiced, as well as Shoto iai and Shoto iai kumidachi.
Auxiliary weapons, such as shurikenjutsu, are also practiced as needed.

Training date and time / Location

(1) Heki-ryu Hankyu-jutsu and Hukiya-jutsu (Blowgun) Every other Saturday and Sunday, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Please check the website for details as the dates are irregular. Kyuto-Renshinkan Dojo (2-6-2 Juso-Higashi, Yodogawa-ku, Osaka City) (2) Kyoshin-ryu Iai Kenpo Mondays 19:00 - 21:00 Shinkitano Rengo-Kaikan (2F Osaka Municipal Yodogawa Library, 1-10-14 Shinkitano, Yodogawa-ku, Osaka City)


Dojo nameKyuto-renshin-kan jodo
RepresentativeShigeru Kitagawa
Official sitehttp://www.juuso-kidokan.com/

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