HOME > Budo Dojo Guide > Daito-ryu Aiki jujutsu Koshin-kai

Kodo Horikawa, Eternal Meijin rank, is a master of not only Daito-ryu jujutsu, aikijujutsu, and aiki-no-jutsu, but also all weapon techniques including ken, jo, bo, and “aiki nitoken”, handed down from the founder of a renaissance of the school, Takeda Sokaku, through his private teaching.
Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu, which was passed down from Horikawa Sensei, was passed on to Inoue Yusuke, then to Niibo Tateo sensei, and finally to Nomoto Tadashi, as can be seen from the lineage of licensed masters.

Training date and time / Location

Every Sunday from 17:00 to 20:00 3-15-5 Takada, Toshima-ku, Tokyo  Inside Suzuki Dojo 3 min. walk from Waseda Exit of Takadanobaba Station on JR Yamanote Line


Dojo nameDaito-ryu Aiki jujutsu Koshin-kai
RepresentativeTadashi Nomoto
Official sitehttps://koshinkai.tokyo/

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