In this category, we introduce articles and streaming videos related to Aiki and Jujutsu.
This article about martial arts in Japan from "Hiden" which is no.1 Japanese budo and bujutsu magazine.
Christian Tissier’s Aikido Journey: In the Footsteps of a Master
Kobayashi Kiyohiro: A Lifetime Search for Aiki
Remembering Chiba Tsugutaka Shihan [Daito-ryu of Shikoku #4]
Eagle Grab and Staggered Legs, Control Bones and Muscles And Win With Your Feet! [Daito-ryu of Shikoku #3]
Biography of Chiba Tsugutaka [Daito-ryu of Shikoku #2]
Biography of Nakatsu Heizaburo [Daito-ryu of Shikoku #1]
Leandro Diaz Napolitano: A gentleman from Brazil
Bridging Two Worlds: Guillaume Erard on Aikido and Daito-ryu
[Monthly column] Worldwide Koryu Dojo Report Vol.3 Sosuishi-ryu Kumiuchi Koshi No Mawari from London, UK
Biography of André Nocquet Part 3: André Nocquet’s private diary
Biography of André Nocquet Part 2: O Sensei’s mysterious keikogi
Biography of André Nocquet Part 1: The first foreign uchi deshi of Ueshiba Morihei
This video about martial arts in Japan from "Hiden" which is no.1 Japanese budo and bujutsu magazine.
New!Reasons for Aiki by Makoto Okamoto 2
Reasons for Aiki by Makoto Okamoto
Daito Ryu Aikijujutsu HIKARI DO 2
Daito Ryu Aikijujutsu HIKARI DO
Foot techniques of Judo 2 by Suzuki Keiji, champion at the 2004 Athens Olympics.
Foot techniques of Judo by Suzuki Keiji, champion at the 2004 Athens Olympics.
Isujikuho(chair axis method) & Keiburyu Aiki-taijutsu 2
Isujikuho & KeiburyuAiki-taijutsu 1
6th East Japan Kobudo festival in Toranomon-Kotohiragu Part.2
6th East Japan Kobudo festival in Toranomon-Kotohiragu Part.1
The 40th Daito-ryu Aiki Jyujyutsu Takumakai Demonstration
How to study “YAWARA” Japanese Jujutsu 2
You can easily discover many streaming videos by the greatest Japanese masters, available through Vimeo On Demand (VOD). Click on any title to read a full description, watch a trailer, and purchase. You can watch your purchased video right away!!