HOME > Budo Dojo Guide > Taikiken Zen no kai

We have been a Taikiken practice group since 2017.
Taikiken is a bujutsu that focuses on the internal work of ritsu zen (standing meditation), to align the mind and body.
Ritu zen is a type of training method that has its roots in qi gong, and is said to be effective not only in improving health, but also in activating brain cells.
Free style, No border! We always welcome those interested in self-defense, health and youth who want to be rehabilitated to join us.

Training date and time / Location

Sunday 10:30 Fukuoka City Minami-ku Nakagawa City


Dojo nameTaikiken Zen no kai
RepresentativeToshihiro Mizobuchi
Official sitehttps://zennokai9.jimdofree.com/

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