HOME > Budo Dojo Guide > Yoshin-ryu Naginata-jutsu

“The Chikugo Yanagawa Tachibana clan’s Otome-ryu Yoshin-ryu Naginata-jutsu” is an ancient budo that has been practiced for about 400 years.
In addition to the naginata, the students practice more than 80 traditional techniques using the tachi (sword), hanbo (stick), and kusarigama(chained sickle).
Because it is an kobudo, there are no competitions, but we participate in demonstration events.

Training date and time / Location

Every Saturday from 18:00 to 21:00 Kure City General Gymnasium (Oak Arena) Budojo


Dojo nameYoshin-ryu Naginata-jutsu
Representative13th Soke Yoshiko Koyama
Official sitehttp://youshinryu-naginat.wix.com/welcome

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