HOME > Budo Dojo Guide > Okinawaden Kojo-ryu Karatedo Rinzan-kai

In our dojo, we practice kata, kumite, weapons, and other forms handed down in the kojo-ryu.
Majority of the students practice Shuri-kata, focusing on Naifanchi, while advanced students practice Kojo’s unique kata.
Kumite is the practice thrusting, kicking, and throwing techniques from Neko-ashi-dachi.
Weapons will include saijutsu and jojutsu.

Training date and time / Location

Kobe Municipal Suminoe Community Center, Saturdays, 18:00 to 20:30 Kobe Oji Sports Judo Hall, Tuesdays, 19:00 to 20:45 The days of the week are subject to change, please check the website for the training days.


Dojo nameOkinawaden Kojo-ryu Karatedo Rinzan-kai
RepresentativeToshiyuki Yamaguchi
Official sitehttps://ameblo.jp/kachinaparts/entry-12491238285.html

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