HOME > Budo Dojo Guide > Musoken Bujutsukai

The Musoken is a sword used in the state of “Muso no Kurai”. It is called the “Shinmyo ken” or “Kongo ken” and is a sword of the mind that transcends art and technique, as attained by the masters of old.
The students will practice with Yari, Nagamaki, Tachi (Uchidachi), Kodachi (Shoto), and Tanto.

Training date and time / Location

Hanakoganei Budokan (8-26-15 Hanakoganei, Kodaira City, Tokyo) Gokokuji Temple 5-40-1 Otsuka, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo) Takahata Fudoson (733 Takahata, Hino-shi, Tokyo) Tomioka Hachimangu Shrine (1-20-3 Tomioka, Koto-ku, Tokyo) Visiting Practice Former Hikarigaoka Elementary School (1306-14 Kamishirane-cho, Asahi-ku, Yokohama)  Mutsuai Community Center (4-8-1 Kameino, Fujisawa City, Kanagawa)


Dojo nameMusoken Bujutsukai
RepresentativeKazuo Yamamoto
Official sitehttps://musoken.jimdofree.com/

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