HOME > Budo Dojo Guide > World Matsubayashi-ryu Karate-do Association Osaka brach, Kodo-kan Osaka branch

The head of this dojo, Yuichi Danjo, was taught by the late Soke Takayoshi Nagamine and the current president, Yoshitaka Taira. He was runner-up in the 1st Okinawa Karate International Tournament, Shuri and Tomarite Senior Men. He was also the best 16th place in the adult II tournament.
The training is basically the same as the Okinawa Honbu, with 18 kata, kata analysis, and prearranged kumite.
There are no age or gender differences in training, and seniors are especially welcome.

Training date and time / Location

Monday, Thursday, Saturday 14:00~16:00 Suita Municipal Budokan (Senshin-kan) B2F Judo Hall However, on the 1st Monday of the month, other facilities are used and the martial arts hall is on the other floor. Contact us in advance.


Dojo nameWorld Matsubayashi-ryu Karate-do Association Osaka brach, Kodo-kan Osaka branch
RepresentativeYuichi Danjo
Official sitehttp://wmka-danjoh.com/

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