HOME > Budo Dojo Guide > Koen-ryu

Kouen-ryu is a school that practices and researches kobujutsu and karate.
We have a unique training system that includes “Te in time”, “Shiki, Gyo, and Rentai”, and ” Fightable Kata”.
Students will master techniques such as “Hoho”, “Irimi”, and “Muai-ate (koho, sunkei) through continuous practice.
We teach people of all ages and both men and women, with the aim of building a body that never weakens.

Training date and time / Location

Branch:Tottori City, Yonago City Clubs:Kyoto, Tokyo For more information, please contact us from the website.


Dojo nameKoen-ryu
RepresentativeKazunori Nomi
Official sitehttp://kouenryu.jimdo.com/

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