HOME > Feature Articles > How to Master the Art of SAMURAI WALK Vol.4 【Nanba Assist: the Art of Getting Unstuck】

Here we look at three exercises in Nanba that can help release tension and improve energy. The first exercise focuses on sitting in a chair and emphasizes sitting more forward rather than leaning back. The second exercise addresses stiff neck and shoulder tension caused by excessive smartphone or computer use. The third exercise focuses on lying down and releasing habitual postures that may cause discomfort during sleep. These exercises aim to help you release tension, realign you body, and improve your energy levels. By practicing these exercises regularly, you can improve your posture, flexibility, and overall well-being.

Exercises in Nanba #1: Rolling the Tanden Ball

Exercise #1: Rolling the Tanden Ball. Sit upright in a chair, without leaning against the chair back. Imagine that your Tanden is a ball at the base of your pelvic floor, and practice rolling it forward and back, then side to side, then to each of the four diagonal directions Lastly practice rolling it in a circle clockwise and then counter-clockwise. This will give you a solid base, which you can test by having your partner press on your shoulder from the side, or your upper body from the front and back, You can easily practice this when you sit in a chair, If people are around you can do it in a small and subtle way that no one will notice.

Exercises in Nanba #2: Stretching the arm to release tension

Exercise #2: Stretching the arm to release tension. Usually when we stretch the arm we extend from the inside out, but in this exercise have your partner take your hand in a light handshake, with the palm facing down. Shake the arm first up and down, then side to side, and then to each of the diagonals, You will find that one of these eight directions is quite relaxed and offers no resistance, while the other angles show more or less tension. Begin with the easiest angle, and then move to the next easiest, gradually transferring the feeling of the easiest to the others until the arm feels quite released. You may have to back up as you do this because the arm gets longer as it relaxes,

Extend your hands out to the front and you may find that the relaxed arm is slightly longer than the other, Repeat the exercise on the other side and they will again be the same length.

Exercises in Nanba #3: Loosening the body from the ankles up

Exercise #3: Loosening the body from the ankles up, In this exercise lie down on the floor facing up. Have your partner place one of your heels in the palm of his hand, and then rotate the foot in each of the 8 directions as you did for the arm in Exercise #2. End by rotating the foot around the ankle, first concentrating on the ankle, then the knee, then the hip, then the shoulders, and lastly you will find that from the ankle you can easily remotely move the chin, and even the elbows and fingers, As the body relaxes it also connects, so you can move the most distant parts from the ankles. You will find small children respond well to this exercise as they are already relaxed and connected.

William Reed

Born in the United States, William Reed is a long-time resident of Japan, and is currently a Professor of Japanese Culture at the International College of Liberal Arts (iCLA) at Yamanashi Gakuin University. He holds a 10th-dan in Shodo from the Zen Nihon Shodo Rengokai, and is a Headquarters appointed Vice Chairman of the Japan Calligraphy Education Association. He holds an 8th-dan in Aikido from the Aikido Yuishinkai. He holds a Tokubetsu Shihan rank in Nanba, the Art of Physical Finesse. He is aiso Certifed as a shihan in WAGI, a health method based on traditional japanese Kyogen theater, shown to extend years of a healthy lifespan. Director of the International Committee for the Mugairyu Hogyokukai (2nd-dan). A regular commentator on Yamanashi Broadcast Television Tetete TV, Navigator for NHK World Journeys in Japan, numerous documentaries, and has appeared on the long running Sekai Fushigi Hakken (Discover the World’s Mysteries). Certified in 2009 by World Champion of Public Speaking Craig Valentine, he has written a bestseller on this in Japanese 世界最高のプレゼン術 (Kadokawa Books, 2014). He is also author of Song of the Brush Dance of the Ink (Morgan James Publishing, 2022). He appears in the bestselling DVD on Nanba Walking 本当のナンバ歩き, and the DVD on Introduction to Mugairyu Iaido, both published by BAB Japan.

Samurai Walk: Mastery of Sword and Letters:

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