HOME > DVD > [DVD] Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu “Secret List” Uragata Vol. 2
Price5500 JPY
Instructed and
Supervised by
Shigemitsu Kato
Run time52 min.
SKUShigemitsu Kato
Region Codefree
This title is also available as Video on Demand. Click here.

Experience this effective fighting technique!

In the Daitoryu’s aiki jujutsu, the Urakata are the techniques to face a strong opponent’s omotewaza. Against fierce and dramatic attacks, these simple techniques have proved highly effective.

The Urakata has been developed secretly, and today there are but few teachers left. This Secret Syllabus (Hiden Mokuroku) series’ second volume concentrates on the Tachiai and Ushirodori Urakata (about 15 moves). Experience this effective fighting technique!



Kotegaeshi/Shihonage ..etc



Price5500 JPY
Instructed and
Supervised by
Shigemitsu Kato
Run time52 min.
SKUShigemitsu Kato
Region Codefree
This title is also available as Video on Demand. Click here.


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