HOME > Budo Dojo Guide > Daito-ryu Aiki jujutsu Kiyama-kai Tokyo practice group

We are the only study group in Japan authorized by Goldberg sensei to teach Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu, which was passed down from Takeda Sokaku to Horikawa Kodo to Inoue Yusuke to Kiyama Hayao to Roy Goldberg.
In this Tokyo Study Group, we practice the Daito-ryu of Goldberg Sensei, who revived the essence of koryu bujutsu in the U.S., which was about to be lost.
We welcome anyone, regardless of gender or nationality, who is sincerely interested in learning Daito-ryu.

Training date and time / Location

Tuesday (every week) 18:30-20:00 Saturdays (twice or three times a month) 10:00-12:00


Dojo nameDaito-ryu Aiki jujutsu Kiyama-kai Tokyo practice group
RepresentativeMatt Noyes
Official sitehttps://daitoryutokyo.com/

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