HOME > Budo Dojo Guide > Ryukyu Karate Shorin-ryuden Takechi-ryu karate

We teach the Shurite lineage of karate, a form of karate handed down from the Ryukyu Dynasty, which is the origin of modern karatedo.
It is different from competitive karate in that we practice karate as a bujutsu for the purpose of self-defense, not for competition.
We teach Shorin-ryu karate kata, Ryukyu kobudo (weaponry), Tii and breathing techniques.
It is also good for those who want to be physically active for their health and lack of exercise.
We are open to women as well as parents and children.
Please feel free to contact us for more information.

Training date and time / Location

Tuesdays 18:00 - 21:00 Osaka-Sayama Municipal Minami Daini Elementary School Gymnasium Friday 18:00 - 21:00 1st and 2nd Fridays, Osaka-Sayama Municipal Social Education Center 3rd and 4th Friday, Osaka-Sayama Municipal Community Center 2nd floor Saturday 13:00 - 15:00 Sumiyoshi Neighborhood Hall 3F, Large Conference Room, 5-6-15 Tezukayamahigashi, Sumiyoshi-ku, Osaka City 17:00-19:00 Osaka-Sayama Municipal Dainana Elementary School Gymnasium Kyoto Thursday 17:00-19:00 Mukunoki Center, Seika-cho, Souraku-gun, Kyoto, Japan


Dojo nameRyukyu Karate Shorin-ryuden Takechi-ryu karate
RepresentativeMasaki Ikeda
Official sitehttp://bunbuikusei.com/index1.html

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