HOME > Budo Dojo Guide > Karada juku Keikokai

This is a dojo for self-defense of body and mind and health of body and mind for women and the weak.
We practice how to move without strain, techniques that do not rely on muscles, and harmony and care. The leader of the dojo is also a woman, so please come and visit us.

Training date and time / Location

Tuesdays 19:00 - 20:30 (Ishin Hyakunen Memorial Park) Fridays 10:00 -12:00 (Kokuma Shimin Jukendojo) Other practice days 3-4 times a week.


Dojo nameKarada juku Keikokai
RepresentativeHiromi Murase
Official sitehttp://keikokai.webnode.jp/

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