HOME > Budo Dojo Guide > Genko-Nito-ryu Soshin-kai Fujisawa

At Soshinkai, we practice “Genko-Nito-ryu”.
Genko-Nito-ryu is a budo that uses two swords (one large and one small), based on Yamaguchi-ryu, which was practiced by Tsuji Gettan, the founder of Mugai-ryu. We practice iai, kenjutsu, kumidachi, and trial slashing using rolled straw, based on the principle of “the shortest, fastest, and non-wasteful movements.

Training date and time / Location

Every Sunday, 13:00 - 17:00 Katase Community Center No.3 Lounge (3-9-6 Katase, Fujisawa City)


Dojo nameGenko-Nito-ryu Soshin-kai Fujisawa
RepresentativeTakashi Hidaki
Official sitehttps://sites.google.com/site/nitososhin/

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