HOME > Budo Dojo Guide > Suginami Kempo Club

The dojo is a place where anyone can practice regardless of age, including women, children, and beginners. We practice mainly Nippon Kempo techniques. We also offer boxing experience under the guidance of an ex-professional boxer. We also practice other types of hand-to-hand combat, such as boxing under the guidance of a former professional boxer and self-defense techniques that also incorporate aikido techniques.

Training date and time / Location

Suginami-ku Hontennuma Children's Hall, 2F Playroom (3-34-35 Mototenuma, Suginami-ku, Tokyo) Every Saturday 7:10 p.m. - 8:40 p.m.


Dojo nameSuginami Kempo Club
RepresentativeHideki Murakami
Official sitehttp://www.3635.net/kp/

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