HOME > Budo Dojo Guide > Kengi-do

Kengido was founded by Tetsuro Shimaguchi, a Samurai sword artist active in Japan and abroad.
Kengido is a budo that combines “Ken” of the swordsmanship and “Gi” the performing art. And it has the Japanese formal beauty and spirituality that has been handed down from ancient times.
Starting with “Rei” (bow), students learn to communicate through “Ma-ai” (distance and timing). It is a Samurai method that can be enjoyed by anyone regardless of age or gender!

Training date and time / Location

Kengido practice (for pupils) Wednesdays and Saturdays in Itabashi Workshop Tuesdays 19:30-21:00 (Okubo) Friday 12:30-13:30/14:00-15:30 (Asakusa) Friday 19:30-21:00 (Komagome) Saturday 13:30-16:00 (Higashi-Nagasaki,Toshima-ku) Sunday 17:00-18:30 / 19:00-20:30 (Itabashi)


Dojo nameKengi-do
RepresentativeTetsuro Shimaguchi
Official sitehttps://budojapan.com/guide/detail/www.k-kamui.jp/jp/homepage.php

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