HOME > Budo Dojo Guide > Chinese Martial Arts, Tai Chi, Qi Gong, Shotokan Style, NPO Japan Educational Karate Association

Tai chi chuan focuses on 24 and 48 styles, as well as tai chi jian (swad), tai chi dao (knife), tai chi shan (fan), etc.
Qi gong will be practiced with a focus on tai chi jing gong, wu xiao ji, tai chi karate exercises and Chinese health exercises.
We recommend “Educational Karate” for the growth of children and for the beauty and health of mothers.

Training date and time / Location

Tai Chi Classes Miyagi Iki-iki Gakuen, Snakeda Co-op, Kashimadai JA, Kashimadai Community Center, Yamoto Higashi Community Center, Tome Togo Community Center, Monou-cho Community Center, etc. ◎Sheda Co-op One-Coin 2nd~4th Mondays 7:00pm-9:00pm Educational Karate Classes Sendai City Iwakiri, Rifu Ishinomaki City Hebita, Koyo, Kanan, Monou, Tome, Sohonbu, etc. Postal Code 986-0303 1-1 Nagai Aza Dojo, Monou-cho, Ishinomaki City


Dojo nameChinese Martial Arts, Tai Chi, Qi Gong, Shotokan Style, NPO Japan Educational Karate Association
RepresentativeOsamu Onodera
Official sitehttp://www.n-jek.com/

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