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BAB JAPAN CO., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as BAB JAPAN) hereby establishes the following stipulations pertaining to the handling of private information in the possession of BAB JAPAN, based upon Japan’s Private Information Protection Law and related laws and ordinances, the guidelines and policies determined by Japanese government ministries pertaining to these said laws and ordinances, and private information protection management rules and other designations determined by BAB JAPAN.

1. Basic Policy Pertaining to the Handling of Private Information

BAB JAPAN hereby sets forth the following basic policy pertaining to the handling of private information.

  • Purposes for use of private information shall be specified, with notice provided to the parties in question upon acquisition of such information.
  • A thorough system of control shall be adopted to prevent the divulgence of private information.
  • Private information shall not be used for objectives outside of the stated purposes.
  • Private information shall not be obtained in an illicit manner.

2. Private Information Use Purposes

Private information acquired by BAB JAPAN shall be used for the purpose of services in the possession of BAB JAPAN.
Specific use examples include the following types of cases.

  • Sales activities to provide other information on BAB JAPAN services.
  • Improvement of this service and development or marketing of new services.
  • Opinion about this service, for confirmation and reply of contents of inquiries.

3. Users of Private Information

Private information in the possession of BAB JAPAN shall be used only by BAB JAPAN.

4. Procedures for Private Information Disclosure, etc.

With regard to private information in the possession of BAB JAPAN, parties wishing to be notified of the use purpose, or that wish to disclose, correct, make additions to, delete, terminate the use of or erase the contents of the information, halt the supply of data or take other actions are requested to direct such requests to the BAB JAPAN.

5. Website Information Safety Control Measures

(1) BAB JAPAN shall manage and store private information under a strict control system, making every possible effort to strengthen the level of security to ensure that the information of the parties in question is not lost, destroyed, falsified or divulged to third parties.

(2) BAB JAPAN shall not assume responsibility in the rare event of damages suffered by the parties in question or third parties as a result of illicit actions by hackers or others that exceed the sphere of the security measures in force.

6. About the Handling of Private Information on the Website

About Cookie

This website uses cookies (Industry standard technology for the web server to identify your computer). This can not collect information that can identify individuals (Name, Phone number etc). The cookie information on this website is used only for the purpose of improving the operability and convenience of this website, but refusing or invalidating cookie acceptance depending on the setting of your browser according to your request it is also possible to set it.

About Access Log

This website collects information such as IP (Internet Protocol) address, Internet service provider, operating system browser type etc. from access log. The collected information is used for surveying and analyzing the usage trend of this website as statistical information, but does not include information that can identify individuals (Name, Phone number, etc.).

7. Private Information Inquiries Desk

BAB JAPAN shall establish private information protection inquiries desk managers, who will respond to consultations, questions and other matters pertaining to private information in the possession of BAB JAPAN.

Private Information Protection Inquiries

BAB Japan Co., Ltd.
Address: 1-30-11 Sasazuka Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 151-0073 JAPAN
TEL: +81-3-3469-0135

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