We have received many inquiries from overseas martial arts enthusiasts who want to learn and experience martial arts in a Japanese dojo.
You can find more information about dojos in Japan on WEB HIDEN website!
You can also search for dojos by area or category.Some dojos accept international participants in their training.
For now, it is displayed in Japanese, but in the future, we plan to disseminate information about the dojo on BUDOJAPAN.com.
WEB HIDEN is translateble by Google(English, French, German, Spanish, Russian, Chinese)
Please click on the GOOGLE symbol at the top of the site to select your language.
Some dojos may have changed their information due to circumstances. Please be sure to check with the dojo for the latest information and contact them directly yourself.

Our company is a publishing company that publishes “Monthly HIDEN” magazine about Japanese martial arts in JAPAN.
In BUDOJAPAN website, overseas fans can get to know these information of Japanese martial arts and Japanese culture.On our website, you can read many articles and watch videos for free.
And on WEB HIDEN,“Monthly HIDEN Magazine” official website, you can see many articleses, pictures, videos on this site that are not fully featured on budojapan.com yet.
WEB HIDEN is translateble by Google(English, French, German, Spanish, Russian, Chinese)